Monday, March 26, 2007

Research on kids, video games, and aggression

A quick roundup of a new book out on video games, teenagers, and aggression is over at Game Politics - seems like they're not stating anything new (cartoonish violence or realistic bloody gore both 'increase aggressive tendencies', etc etc), but no one has yet managed to say whether or not people with more positive outlooks on violence are more likely to pick up violent video games.

I have to say that even though I love me some samurai hack n slashes, I've not yet had the urge to take a bushido approach to my life, nor have many many hours with RPGs that involve killing lots of things encouraged me to round up a pack of friends and go be hostile to animals and other people. I have little doubt that there is some sort of linkage between aggressive behavior & violent media of all sorts, but it's a chicken-or-egg question.

I mean, Katamari is listed for 'fantasy violence' & I have a hard time believing rolling up the world is going to cause a sudden increase in aggressive behavior.

New Book Cites Research on Video Games, Kids & Aggression [Game Politics]

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